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powerful high da links for only $1

Super PBN Links

Get an instant boost in rankings with the powerful PBN backlinks from our Safe Private Network (SPN) that delivers like the best whitehat links and will cost you only $1 per backlink with 500 words of high quality content included in the price. Enjoy the benefits of strong high DA50+ and TF10+ backlinks that will increase ranking and traffic fast with results that will stick forever. 

What Do You Get?

  • Powerful backlinks from strong DA50+ and TF10+ blogs
  • Clean backlink profile websites with zero or very low Moz spam score
  • Dofollow permanent backlinks for everlasting SEO juice
  • Each link placed on 500 words of 100% unique high-quality content
  • Low OBL blogs for maximum impact
  • Google-updates proof for long term results
  • 100% Unique IPs, all blogs are hosted from different C class IP
  • Unlimited URLs and keywords


Always know what you’ll pay.

50 PBN Placements


50 blog posts

DA50+ and TF10+
Unique Quality Content
Dofollow Permanent Links
Unlimited URLs and KWs
2 Weeks Turnaround Time

Best Seller

100 PBN Placements


150 blog posts

DA50+ and TF10+
Unique Quality Content
Dofollow Permanent Links
Unlimited URLs and KWs
2 Weeks Turnaround Time

150 PBN Placements


300 blog posts

DA50+ and TF10+
Unique Quality Content
Dofollow Permanent Links
Unlimited URLs and KWs
2 Weeks Turnaround Time

Our Process Is As Simple As 1 – 2 – 3

Tell Us Your URLs and Keywords

Simply place your order and provide us with you URLs and the keywords you want as topic and anchor for your backlink and we will take care of the rest.

We Write Some Great Content

100% unique high-quality articles for each one of your posts so that your links get all the power coming from great topical relevance and perfect context.

We Get Your Links Placed

Once each quality piece of content is ready, we proceed to publish your posts in our super safe PBN blogs so you get powerful backlinks and fast results.


How Many Links Can You Build

Our SBN is comprised of more than 1000 unique blogs, so you can build as many links as you want.

Do You Accept Any Website?

We accept almost any website, however, we cannot accept websites with adult or gambling content, or that promotes or sells prescription drugs, or any other illegal activities. We also may reject websites with low-quality content (e.g. you website is filled with spun content).

What Kind Of Content You Use?

We write a 100% original article of about 500 words to go with each link, We will craft a piece that will not only be great for SEO, but also for human readers, this way you not only get a great push in your rankings but also the potential for natural referrer traffic.

What Makes Your PBN Links Different?

Our links are built on unique blogs with DA50+ and TF10+ using unique high quality content, therefore, the topical relevance and overall context of your links delivers a solid punch to Google’s algorithm to help you rank fast.

What is "DA"

DA or domain authority is a metric created by Moz which provides webmasters with a very good idea about a domain’s potential to pass authority to other websites. This metric is key at the time of selecting outreach targets to place your links and is a big part of the elements we consider to ensure each backlink you get from us delivers actual results.

What is "TF"

TF or trust flow is a metric created by Majestic SEO based on the quality of links pointing to a website. It predicts trustworthiness of a page by focusing on the qualitative value of links. Having a lot of authoritative and qualitative links will increase your TF and lead to Google and other search engines rewarding you with traffic.

Are These Links Permanent?

Yes they are, but if for any reason a link or post gets deleted within year after your purchase, we will replace it for free.

Do You Offer Any Guarantees?

Yes, we guarantee that each SBN link we build for you will be on a website or blog with the DA and TF offered at the time of purchase. We cannot guarantee however any specific movement in rankings as such outcome depends on many factors, many of which are beyond our control.

What is the TAT

You links will be ready within 2 weeks or sooner.

Do you provide report?

Absolutely, you will get a detailed report featuring a link to each website where your link was placed along with the anchor text used for each placement.

ready to increase you rankings

Get Your PBN Package Today!